Emma Willis Grilled Roxanne Du...

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Emma Willis Grilled Roxanne During CBB Exit Interview

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

09:01 4 Sep 2018

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Roxanne Pallett's Celebrity Big Brother exit interview was aired last night. 

The prerecorded segment came after Roxanne publicly apologised to housemate Ryan Thomas after she claimed he "punched her repeatedly, unprovoked" and completely deliberately.

A stone faced Emma didn't hold back with her questions calling Roxanne out for exaggerating Ryan's action on housemate Ben. 

Roxanne replied, "How he felt when he did it, it hurt. I can't prove a feeling."

She then went on to admit that as soon as she watched the footage back she realised the truth. 

Here's an excerpt of the conversation:

Emma: Did you ever consider the implications that it would have on him. Can you imagine if those cameras hadn't been there. You would have ruined somebody.

Roxanne: I feel devastated. It cripples me with embarrassment and shame that I could have put someone in that position"

Emma: Lots of people are not buying your apology

Roxanne: I fully agree and understand with every single person's reaction and perception to that. If I had been at home watching that I would have been the same. 

Emma: What do you want to say to Ryan and his family? Have you spoken to or tried to contact anybody?

Roxanne: No and I wouldn't impose on them like that... I can't apologise enough. 

Emma: Did you believe your own story?

Roxanne: Yea, yea.

Emma: That's quiet worrying though Roxanne.

Emma: Do you think in time you can have a career again?

Roxanne: I am scared about the future. 

Emma: Could you forgive you?

Roxanne: I would want to.

Emma told Roxanne that over 10,000 questions were sent in for her, more questions than the show has ever had submitted for a contestant.  

She touched on the tweets sent by Roxanne's Emmerdale costars claiming she had exhibited this type of behavior in the past. 

Roxanne referred to herself as "the most hated girl in Britain" and explained to Emma that her family were gutted with the situation. 

During the interview the tweets rolled in praising Emma for the interview. 

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