CBB Contestants Arrive In Lond...


CBB Contestants Arrive In London

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

02:00 31 Jul 2017

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We're just one sleep away until Celebrity Big Brother 2017 kicks off.

There was a rumoured lineup that was leaked by The Sun, however, it hasn't been completely factual.

Among those rumoured to be entering is Made in Chelsea's Sam Thompson, Girls Aloud's Sarah Harding, Jordan Davies from Ex on the Beach and Rosanna Davison. Rosanna has quashed those rumours saying they were not true. 

While we have to wait a few more hours until we know officially, a few snaps of the celebrities arriving. 

Who is under that quiff??

Celebrity Big Brother launches tomorrow night on 3e at 9pm. Here's hoping there's actual celebrities! 

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