Fan Throws Object At Justin Bi...


Fan Throws Object At Justin Bieber After He Refused To Sing 'Despacito'

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

11:59 13 Jun 2017

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Not cool. Throwing things is not cool. 

Poor Justin Bieber faced some backlash from a member of the crowd when he performed in Stockholm over the weekend. He began to explain to the crowd that he wouldn't be singing Despacito

'I can't do that specifically, I don't know the words...I can't do it.' The world kind of already sussed it a few weeks ago when a video of him emerged where he hadn't a notion what he was singing. If you missed it, you can see it HERE.

A member of the audience chucked an object at him, but he managed to duck out of the way in time. 

It's not known whether the person who threw the object was removed from the gig. 

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It's not the first time Justin's had something thrown at him while on stage. Flashback to a few years ago with the water bottle incident. 

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Poor Biebs. 

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