Kim Kardashian Blocks Snake Em...


Kim Kardashian Blocks Snake Emoji On Instagram After Taylor Swift Comeback

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SPIN 1038

02:11 25 Aug 2017

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Unless you're living under a rock today, you've heard that Taylor Swift has made her comeback to the music scene after 3 years. 

It appears that Kim Kardashian alluding to Taylor as a 'snake' not so long ago, her own insult may have been turned against her. 

Buzzfeed have been doing some investigating, and they've disovered that Kim may have the snake emoji blocked on her Instagram. 

They've noticed that if you comment under one of Kim's pictures using the snake emoji, you can see it when you're signed in as yourself, but once you sign out, your comment and snake emoji disappears. 

Meanwhile, the snake emojis have been flying at Kim on Twitter left, right and centre. 

Throwback to where it all began.. 

The drama. 

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