Aungier Danger Opening New Sto...


Aungier Danger Opening New Store Tomorrow & Have Free Doughnuts

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

12:31 11 Oct 2017

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The BEST news of a Wednesday. 

Doughnut royalty Aunger Danger have announced that they're opening another store in Dublin that will be packed to the brim with their delicious doughnutty goodness. 

Merrion Row is the latest spot in Dublin to get a store, and is opening tomorrow October 12th at 8am. 

As a way of celebrating, they're giving away one free doughnut to each person who rocks up to welcome them to the area.

They've also revealed that they're now (finally) on Snapchat. Their username is aungierdanger so you can keep up to date with all things doughnut.

I mean, who would want to miss pictures like this?


The only six pack you really need . . . Repost: @pancakesmakeyoufamous #bueno #oreo #jaff #crimescene #aliceindangerland

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We know where we'll be tomorrow morning...

 movie crying god mindy kaling donut GIF

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