Almost 3,000 children in Ireland are currently affected by homelessness. Through their work across the country, Barnardos see that issues around coping with homelessness, difficulties accessing private rented accommodation and an inability to secure social housing, are constant struggles for so many families.
The children's charity is asking the public to donate €4 this Friday, September 15th as part of its national collection day supported by Dell.
You can help Barnardos create brighter futures for these children by donating to volunteers who will be collecting and bag packing in towns across the country. Or you can text ‘BARNARDOS’ to 5 zero 3 hundred NOW, to donate €4.
100% of the donation goes to Barnardo’s across most network operators. Some operators apply VAT which means a minimum of 3 euro 25 goes to Barnardo’s.
Homelessness is stealing their childhoods. Don’t let it steal their future.
You can find more information here.