It's always important to drink water and now more than ever as we actually seem to be having a summer in Ireland this year.
But how much should we be drinking? We've all heard that rule about 8 glasses a day however the Institute of Medicine has said that an adult male needs 13 glasses/3 litres on average where as an adult female needs 9 cups/2.2 litres.
This of course changes depending on what you're doing.
Light exercise - add 500mls
Intense exercise (over 90 mins running) - increase to approx 180mls every 20 mins*
Pregnant - add 1 glasses
Breastfeeding - add 4 glasses
Hot day - increase to approx 3 glasses an hour
So if you're heading to Fanta Sandstorm next weekend make sure you keep hydrated. Limited tickets are available HERE.
*according to research from Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes by Monique Ryan.