James Kavanagh's 5 Best Th...


James Kavanagh's 5 Best Things To Do in Dublin Over Christmas

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

02:46 21 Dec 2017

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Christmas week is upon much going on in the city, James Kavanagh has rounded up his top 5 events!

1) Winter Funderland @ The RDS

This year's Funderland is part of the Winter Funderland, and will present the best thrill rides and family attractions in the European fairground including attractions direct from Germany. Funderland comprises of almost 3 acres of attractions housed inside the Simmonscourt Pavilion with many more located in the complex outside. More info:

2) The Snowman, 23rd @ Christchurch Cathedral

Take a break from your last minute Christmas shopping and other such seasonal stresses and come join us with the whole family in Saint Patrick’s Cathedral to hear the timeless tale of James and the Snowman as told by narrator Morgan Crowley with a little help from the Choristers of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. There will be a retiring collection in aid of LauraLynn Children’s Hospice at the end of the event. Tickets:

3) The Big Fat Turkey Run, 27th @ St. Fintan's Church  

The Fat Turkey 10km event supports developing rugby in Suttonians Rugby Football Club (established in 1924), with a donation going towards the IRFU Charitable Trust (Irish Rugby Football Union Charitable Trust was formed in 1978 to assist severely injured rugby players in their everyday lives, and help to restore their confidence and independence). More info:

4) Leopardstown Christmas Festival, 26th - 29th 

A not-to-be missed traditional highlight of the Irish horse racing calendar (not to mention the social calendar!), the annual Lepordstown Christmas Festival offers National hunt racing at its best over 4 spectacular days. More info:

5) New Year's Eve Festival Dublin

NYF Dublin – now in its fourth year, this three-day citywide festival will be bigger and better than ever with an amazing programme from the 31st December 2017 to the 1st January 2018. The main event will be the Liffey Lights Midnight Moment which will take place at 11.30pm on New Year’s Eve and progress past midnight. The free event will incorporate high-flying aerial and aquatic elements with an accompanying light show of over 100 aqua beams and spotlights. An earlier, family friendly show will also take place beforehand at 6.30pm. There will also be a live concert with Irish band Kodaline headlining and Hudson Taylor and Keywest featuring. More info:

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