RECIPE: Deep South Mac  'N' Ch...


RECIPE: Deep South Mac 'N' Cheese with Sweet Mustard Pulled Pork

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

01:59 22 May 2017

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When you’ve finished drooling check out this super easy recipe for mac ‘n’ cheese pulled pork. Just don’t think about the calories k! Treat yo self...

What you need:

    • 2x packs of Fire & Smoke Mustard Pulled Pork
    • 250g of macaroni
    • 350g grated Monterey Jack cheese
    • 50g room temperature cream cheese
    • 350g full fat cream
    • 40g bread crumbs
    • 2 tbsp flour
    • Salt & pepper

What you gotta do:

  1. Boil water & cook the macaroni until it’s a dente
  2. Drain the pasta & put it back into the pan
  3. Add the full fat cream and cream cheese & mix until it’s melted
  4. Add the flour & breadcrumbs to the mix
  5. Add 200g of the cheese & distribute evenly
  6. Coat a baking dish with oil or butter and pour in the pasta mix
  7. Bake at 180C for 20 minutes
  8. Meanwhile heat the Fire & Smoke Pulled Pork as per the pack
  9. Add the warm pork on top of the cooked mac ‘n’ cheese
  10. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top & put back into the oven for 10 minutes
  11. Eat!

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