According to the weather report, the weather is meant to pick up this week and we're in for a fair dose of sunshine.
One thing that tends to happen in Ireland as soon as we see an inch of sun, is we get the shorts out and pretend that we're not freezing, and of course we load up on ice-cream.
Now, we know what you're thinking. It's only Tuesday and you're trying to eat healthy - at least until the weekend.
But, lucky for you, we've stumbled across a recipe that counts as both a treat and at least two of your five a day*
Yet again, Tasty have knocked the ball out of the park with their deadly recipes.
If you're interested in a healthy treat for the sunny week - you must try their frozen smoothie pops.
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*May or may not count as one of your five a day - but they're damn delicious that's for sure!