Topaz Cash For Clubs


Topaz Cash For Clubs

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

01:32 15 May 2017

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Do you LIVE in your local football club or see more of your hockey team than you do your family? If so, Cash for Clubs is for you.

What is Cash for Clubs?

Topaz recognises the vital role that clubs play in communities across the country, providing opportunities for people of all ages to learn new skills, socialise and be active. Cash for Clubs enables clubs to harness the support of their members and the local community to generate much needed funds.GIF

Cool! What kind of clubs can get involved?

Clubs of any type or size. No matter how big or small, any club can enter to win the main prizes!

What can be won?

Up to 200,000 will be given away to clubs across the country. Purchase fuel with Topaz, submit 2000 Cash for Clubs tokens and be entered into the draw for any of these…

1 Club wins the Grand Prize of€10,000

10 Clubs will win €5,000

140 Clubs will win €1,000

Get all the details you need right HERE.


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