Last night was the biggest night in Hollywood and yep, there was a little drama as always with the Best Picture mix-up (La La Land didn't win but Moonlight did). As for what really gets us talking when it comes to the Oscars? The red carpet of course.
Behold our best-dressed gallery from Emma Stone to our very own Ruth Negga who stepped out in a striking red number. Particular favourites? Scarlett Johansson's pink, ethereal gown; Felicity Jones who looks like a proper princess and Chrissy Teigen who is never not radiant. The 'best dressed' of the night? It's a toughie, but Alicia Vikander and Hailee Steinfeld are right up there. Last year's Best Actress Oscar winner Brie Larson also looks incredible, as does Viola Davis whose win last night was arguably the most well received.
As for the more questionable ensembles. Leslie Mann we love you but you are not Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Jessica Biel, it looks like a cat's claws got the better of your dress. Dakota Johnson, nope.
There were also some very similar choices with Ginnifer Goodwin's dress being the spits of Ruth Negga's, while Emma Roberts and Michelle Williams literally seem to have worn the same dress. Awkward. The most interesting award? Janelle Monae. Hands down.

Stay tuned as we get the look on Emma Stone's classic Hollywood glow.