Cillian Murphy Talks Possibili...

Movies & TV

Cillian Murphy Talks Possibility Of Peaky Blinders Movie

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

02:23 17 Oct 2017

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Each episode of Peaky Blinders may be an hour long, but I think we're all in agreement that a movie would be the icing on the cake. 

Cillian Murphy has once again touched on the subject of the Shelby's on the big screen. 

Speaking to Esquire, Murphy said 'I think Steve Knight has some ideas. You'd have to be careful, but I'd be curious to do it.'

Well, that's not a total no.. 

Meanwhile, fans are highly anticipating season four of the show. The trailer dropped last month without a release date, and hinted that there will be a death in the upcoming episodes. 

The trailer shows Murphy's character Thomas Shelby getting a letter on Christmas Eve, which states that the Peaky Blinders are in 'danger of annihilation.'

Peaky Blinders is expected to return to BBC Two before the end of the year. You can catch up with all of the season four and five details below. 

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