Gary Barlow Confirms Movie Rol...

Movies & TV

Gary Barlow Confirms Movie Role

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

04:16 27 Mar 2017

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Gary Barlow is set for the big screen! 

He confirmed this morning that he is going to star in the upcoming Star Wars movie The Last Jedi

Speaking to Lorraine's Ross King he said 'I'm not a storm trooper, but I am in it.'

It seems that he may be regretting the announcement, as he went on to say 'Now I've said that, I'll probably be out. I think the Star Wars people are so strict about what information is out there. So me saying that, I've probably just done myself out of a role.'

We hope not, Gary. 

Last year, the rumour mill was in full swing when The Sun was reporting that Gary had recorded his cameo role at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire. 

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is due to hit cinemas in December 2017. 

 gary barlow GIF

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