I'm A Celeb Fans Not Happy Wit...

Movies & TV

I'm A Celeb Fans Not Happy With Kiosk Keith's Replacement

Sean O'Regan
Sean O'Regan

11:45 20 Nov 2018

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Kiosk Kev hasn't got the warmest of welcomes from the I'm A Celeb faithful.

Change can be hard - sometimes in can be very hard - and when the producers of a hit TV series change a host and a familiar face in the one season, people can take it in the wrong way.

That's exactly what's happening in the Australian outback after Kiosk Keith's replacement made his debut on last night's show.

During the Dingo Dollar Challenge in which Fleur East and Anne Hegerty took part in the game dressed as gnomes, they met Kiosk Kev for their treat.

The question put to James McVey and Rita Simons was, "according to a recent survey, what percentage of children aspire to become a YouTuber – a) 75% or b) 65%?"

Unfortunately for the pair back in camp, the answer they gave to the bush telegraph was wrong, so the whole camp missed out on scones with jam and clotted cream.

However, that wasn't the most pressing issue for viewers, as it was Kiosk Kev who slammed the shack shut, and not the familiar face of Kiosk Keith.

Here's an example of the reaction (the tweets without swearing because there was a lot of them).

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Australia Im A Celeb 2018 Jungle Kiosk Keith Kiosk Kev