James Kavanagh appeared on The Late Late Show last night alongside his brother John.
Snapchat influencer James began the interview telling the story of his conception.
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James' mum Margaret said that he was "so bad that we sent him to boarding school." She went on to say "he became human when he was about 20. Her terrorized us - he stayed out, he wouldn't eat the food I cooked." However it was in jest.
James also told the story of how he bullied in school before he came out.
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He gave some great advice after Ryan talked about an incident where a classmate created a survey asking 'How gay James was'.
James said "With that survey there was a guy who stopped them passing on. That guy who stopped it opened up a new door in my life. There’s someone who’s nice… that’s what I’d say to people in schools. Be the one to step in. It changed my life."
Click here to watch the interview in full.