Phillip Schofield's Prank On R...

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Phillip Schofield's Prank On Rylan Goes Wrong


08:40 1 Nov 2018

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Phillip Schofield tried to prank Rylan on yesterdays episode of 'This Morning' but it went terribly wrong.

The prankster had a clown hidden under the wooden table which he sat at alongside Rylan and co-host Rochelle.

It appears the clown was supposed to jump out of the box but never did.

Phillip eventually had to shout the words "cue Ray" over and over before Ray eventually jumped through the wooden table sending Rylan into complete and utter confusion.

Rylan is rarely speachless but he was so in shock that he didn't even scream.

"I thought you were having a stroke or something."

Phillip explained that every member of team were trying to get him out of the box but it wasn't working so it was all down to himself to eventually get him out.

"Eventually it was all down to me who thought to get him out of the box! It was a double barrelled one really because it looked like I'd gone mad!"

Taking to Twitter, Philip wrote, "We found out later he was called Jay."

Poor Jay...

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Phillip Schofield Rylan This Morning