Princess Diaries 3 Could Be On...

Movies & TV

Princess Diaries 3 Could Be On The Cards

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

04:39 30 Jul 2017

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It's been sixteen years since the release of the first Princess Diaries movie, with the sequel being released in 2004. 

Fans have been asking for a third one for years, and it seems their prayers may about to be answered. 

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, author of the books Meg Cabot revealed that a script does exist and said "Who knows? It could happen." 

The movie's stars Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews have already said in the past that they would be up for a third film. 

Back in March Julie told Buzzfeed that  “There’s talk about it (Princess Diaries 3) and that "[Anne Hathaway] is very keen to do it. I would very willingly and happily do it. Annie had an idea that she wanted to pursue about it, and I’m all for it, so if she’d like to…"

We'd love to see a third film!

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