This is exactly what you need on a Monday morning.
So, to set the story straight, a couple had decided to get married at an aquarium. Why they decided to do this? It's not really known, but it can be assumed that the particular venue had a big sentimental part in their lives, and it's somewhere different as well, so fair play to them.
However, while they were giving their vows in front of one of the tanks, they were joined by a new friend:
A beluga whale!
This picture quickly went viral after it appeared on Reddit, which sparked what is known as a Photoshop Battle on the website.
Photoshop Battles are threads where people take a picture posted to Reddit, then Photoshop it to make it even funnier than the original, and this battle was just truly glorious:

IMG: Shashakeitup (Reddit)
Imagine the whale as your best man?

IMG: albo_underhill (Reddit)
Or your bride!

IMG: Dudeski021
Classic photobomb!

IMG: artwithbyte (Reddit)
What could have been...

IMG: liamwylde (Reddit)
"This is a great wedding, the best wedding!"
There's so many more that could be included, only thing you can do is check out the the subreddit for yourselves here.