DCU Students Union Calling On...

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DCU Students Union Calling On The Revoke Of A Students Deportation Order

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

12:12 21 Oct 2018

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DCU students union is calling on Minister for Justice Charlie Flanagan to revoke a deportation order against one of its fellow students.

Shepard Machaya from Zimbabwe, is facing imminent deportation after having his application for asylum rejected by authorities.

A campaign has been set up in support of Shepard, with a petition gathering over 11,000 signatures - a demonstration was also held outside the Department of Justice on Friday.

DCU Student President Vito Moloney Burke says he's a model student and citizen and forcing him to leave isn't right:

"It was a complete shock to Shepard when he got issued with the order especially given the fact that his only halfway through his studies, his already contributed so much to Irish society."

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