It's Been 20 Years Since T...

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It's Been 20 Years Since The Most Annoying Noise Ever Was Created

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

04:29 27 Feb 2017

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Remember the 'Crazy Frog'?

Of course you do, you couldn't escape it back in the early noughties. However, it's actually 20 years ago today since the noise was first made.

A Swedish student called Daniel Malmedahl originally made the noise in 1997 as he was trying to imitate the noise of engines, and that's what he came out with.

He posted it onto his website, and it started appearing on TV channels all over his native Sweden.

However it wasn't until 2003 when another student called Erik Wernquist found it, and posted a video onto his website titled 'The Annoying Thing':

Mother of God.

This is eventually what went viral, back at a time when viral didn't really exist, in the form of ringtones for your phone.

And such as it's popularity, a song was even made out of it, which was even more irritating:

That's enough of that, now

However there was one funny thing that came out of it, though, when Jay from the Inbetweeners tried to imitate it and the collective awkwardness of everyone in the room told you the whole story:

This I could watch over, and over, and over again.


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