Parents Of Surrogate Children...

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Parents Of Surrogate Children Demand Legal Recognition As A "Parent"

Tom Douglas
Tom Douglas

05:21 2 Nov 2021

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Parents of children born through surrogacy are calling for a guarantee that new legislation will solidify them as the legal mother or father of their child. 

They held a demonstration outside Leinster House this morning.

Parents expressed concerns over the new Assisted Human Reproduction Bill .

"At that moment when I was presenting their children to their family, I was no longer recognised as their mother," one woman said.

Each demonstrator here has their own story of how they became a parent. 

Senator Mary Seery Kearney, who had her child Scarlett through a surrogate mother.

So she is among those calling for guarantees in this new bill:

"We should create a green list of countries where surrogacy is safe."

"Not everyone has a sister or a friend who is willing or able to carry their child."

Currently, just biological fathers can be recognised as a parent in Ireland.

However, their partners must wait 2 years before applying to be a legal guardian of their child. 

An oireachtas committee is being considered to review the bill, the tenth in 21 years. 

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