Dublin has scored one of its best marks ever in the latest litter survey.
However, checks over the summer found that some residential areas have got worse
77% of the 40 surveyed towns and cities, which was carried out by Irish Business Against Litter, were found to be clean.
Fingal County Council has been recognised in the latest IBAL (Irish Business Against Litter) survey for the cleanliness of Dublin Airport Environs. The area was found to be 'Cleaner than European Norms'. It was placed 4th out of 40 areas surveyed in the Anti-Litter League table. pic.twitter.com/fkxvcKY55m
— FingalCountyCouncil (@Fingalcoco) October 15, 2018
'particular problem areas'
The North Inner City and Ballymun have been singled out as particular problem areas.
Conor Horgan from IBAL admits it's disheartening:
"Some councils take this job more seriously than others," he said.
"Dublin City Council who we speak to regularly they certainly take their job seriously they are disheartened at the fact that they are not seeing the progress in this area."