Shan Tynan Reaches Target For...

News & Sport

Shan Tynan Reaches Target For Cancer Treatment

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

05:05 14 Feb 2017

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What a news story to be able to share on Valentines Day.

We were all nearly brought to tears when we heard the story of 18-year-old student Shauntelle Tynan as her video went viral last night.

She described how she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2015, and the only treatment available for her specific case was in Texas.

However she added that she needed to move over there for a year, and the astronomical costs that came with it.

In case you didn't see her heartbreaking story, here it is:

Her video travelled around the internet within minutes of it going live, and thus the support on her gofundme page started to increase.

Support for Shauntelle's cause has sky-rocketted, as it's now been revealed that she's reached her target, and then some!

And it's still going up!

Her mother Leona Tynan, who set up the page, posted an update:

"Thank you all so much for your incredible support every donation is a step closer to target and getting Shans life back, we can't thank you all enough!

"We are blown away by all you are doing to help, I wish we could thank each and everyone of you individually you have no idea how much your support means to us

"Please keep sharing and help Shan to fight this monster"


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