Spicy Skittles And Starburst A...

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Spicy Skittles And Starburst Are Now A Thing

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

11:30 29 May 2017

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Well this is interesting...

Wrigley''s have announced that they're bringing out 'Sweet Heat’ Starburst and Skittles that'll feature the classic sweets with a bit of a spicy kick.

According to, the brand new Skittles packet will include flavours such as Fiery Watermelon, Mango, Flamin’ Orange, Sizzlin’ Strawberry and Lemon Spark.

While the Starburst flavours will include Fiery Watermelon, Strawberry Mango, Flamin’ Orange and Pipin’ Pineapple.

There was mixed reaction to the news on Twitter: 

The new flavours are set to hit the shelves in December and we're pretty excited to give them a go. 

Images via Wrigley. Jr. Co.

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