Tinder To Make ID Verification...

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Tinder To Make ID Verification Available Worldwide


05:29 17 Aug 2021

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A charity supporting young people has said mandatory identity verification should be on dating apps.

It's after Tinder announced it'll allow users to scan their ID if they want, to confirm who they are.

However the move has been met with calls to make it compulsory, in an effort to ensure safety on the dating app.

Tinder's owners say forced identification may not be workable for people in some parts of the world.

Spun Relationships Editor Rebekah Connolly says making it mandatory will have it's own challenges, but also many benefits.

She says making everybody use ID on the site would help users feel confident they know who they are talking to and know they aren't being cat fished.

While the CEO of Cork Sexual Violence Centre thinks its 'appalling' people can sign up to dating apps anonymously.

Mary Crilly, believes people should have the right to know who they're messaging.


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