Susan Mulligan
This week is Organ Donor Awareness week. In 2018, thanks to the generosity of 81 deceased donors and their families, 234 organ transplants took place.
An additional 40 living donor kidney transplants also happened in Ireland, with a further 3 in the UK.
Thanks to the gift of organ donation almost 4,000 transplanted people in Ireland are enjoying extended life.
Organ Donor Awareness Week is to remind us to talk to our families about our organ donation wishes.
It aims to keep the reminders of your decision available by carrying the organ donor card.
As a result of this you allowing the permitting Code 115 to be included on your driver’s licence.
You can also have the ‘digital organ donor card’ APP on your smartphone.
This week is Organ Donor Awareness Week and @SBellissimo is joined by Susan Mulligan to share her story and the importance of #organdonation @IrishKidneyAs
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— SPIN 1038 (@spin1038) 6 April 2019
Currently, the number of people on transplant waiting list for all organs is approximately 550.
One of the people who is waiting for the life changing operation is Susan Mulligan.
Susan joined Sarina on today’s Plan B to share her story.
Finally, you can get an Organ Donor Card by phoning the Irish Kidney Association on 01 6205306 or Free text the word DONOR to 50050.
You can also visit the website or download a free ‘digital organ donor card’ APP to your phone.
Listen Back
You can listen back to Susan's full interview here: