Anyone who is heading out to celebrate New Year tonight should plan a lift home and never drink and drive.
That's according to the Road Safety Authority.
Figures released by the Gardaí show that 173 people were arrested in the past week for driving under the influence.
Hi, A full Saturday service will operate on all routes. A full Nitelink service will operate in addition to our 24-hour services on Routes #DB15, #DB39a, #DB41, C1, C2, C5, C6, G1, G2 and N4.
— dublinbusnews (@dublinbusnews) December 31, 2022
The RSA's Brian Farrell says there are plenty of ways to get home.
"Designating a driver, having someone who will stay sober for the evening and will make sure everyone gets home safely."
Brian also recommends booking a taxi, a hackney or a mini bus to make sure everyone gets home at the end of the night.
Open this link for a list of train services.